The spiritual lesson I learnt from a hot air balloon

The balloon was literally hanging over my house. I took a picture of it.

In the month of May, when the weather is good, you can regularly see hot air balloons in the Netherlands in the evening. A few years ago, such an impressive balloon passed over my house. I was lying on the roof terrace and suddenly this colossal balloon appeared above me. It was hovering right above me. I took a picture of it.

I've never been in a hot air balloon before, but it seems very special to go on a trip like that. All you've got is air. And it turns out that air is enough to travel through the sky. As long as you know what air does, what it can do, and how to use that knowledge. Rising air (thermals), wind direction and the ability of air to heat up are the elements you can play with.

The balloonist does not seem to own anything. He does not own the air, he does not own the wind or the wind direction. But he knows what he has to do to make this journey through the sky.

This is a very nice parallel to the life of a believer. John 3:8 says, "The wind blows whereever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit" (NIV11uk).

We have a safe basket under the balloon because of salvation in Jesus Christ. We don't just float through the air. Christian life is not possible without the finished work of Jesus in death and resurrection. At the same time there is the Holy Spirit, given at Pentecost. He is the wind in our lives that determines the direction. The Hebrew and Greek word translated by "spirit" can also be translated by "breath" and "wind".

The life of a believer is characterised by an interplay between staying in the basket and dealing with the wind. The security of the basket is the security that faith gives us in our new position in Christ. In that position nothing can separate us from the love of God. It is the static security, the ground beneath our feet. At the same time, there is also the wind of the Spirit. This is the dynamic aspect of dealing with God. The wind sets things in motion. And so the Spirit gives the direction. And we can learn to deal with this dynamic aspect from the position of certainty in Christ. The Bible calls this "the stewardship of the mysteries of God " (1 Cor 4:1):

us be regarded as … stewards (trustees) of the mysteries of God” (Amp15)

Just as the balloonist knows how to handle his balloon and the wind, so a believer knows how to handle the secrets that God has entrusted to him.

You only share secrets with someone with whom you have an intimate relationship. As a believer, you know things because you have an intimate relationship with God, from His Word and in prayer. And as a result, you learn to discern the winds of God, to trust them, to anticipate them, and to move with them in the direction He is leading.

Our daily involvement with salvation and anticipation of the Spirit's movement makes us stewards. The Greek word for steward used here is oikonomos (Strong 3623). It means 'steward of a house', but in Greek it is used specifically for 'steward', the person who manages money and property. For this reason the Amplified Bible explains this word by adding the words trustees and administrators. (Check the online Bible)

Just as there is a priesthood of all believers, so all believers are stewards as well. And this stewardship takes place from the secure basket of salvation, in intimate communion with God, through which the slightest breeze of the Spirit is perceived.

Over the past year we have been strongly drawn to Africa. It was our conviction that God want to get His Word into the smallest capillaries of this continent and that we can be a part of that with the Online Bible Apps. The Online Bible Apps enable pastors and believers to have the Bibles and books they need.

Six months ago things started to happen and before I knew it I was planning a trip to South Africa. At first the trip did not go as planned. There was a delay of several hours in Zurich. The flight was cancelled and half a day later I had a new flight, but this one had a stopover in Ethiopia. At the airport I saw a melting pot of African cultures. The huge delay ensured that my travel expenses, which were quite high for me, were fully reimbursed. All I had to do was fill in the compensation form. So God provided the money for this trip. And when I arrived in South Africa, God confirmed that I had to be there. The wind came from a different direction, which led me to Africa and gave me new insights.

In the office over here in the Netherlands, we are aware that we are administrators of a Bible app and trustees of the biblical content in that app. With that comes the responsibility to handle it wisely. There are many possibilities, but we are always forced to make choices within the constraints we face. At the same time, we are aware of how dependent we are on the body of Christ, both here in the Netherlands and in Africa. We understand there is a principle in the body of Christ: If we give what we are able to give, then we can expect that God will provide through others in the Body of Christ what we need to continue. Despite the many opportunities we have, our resources are limited. We don't have enough workers and we don't have enough financial resources to add the whole African continent to our ministry.

We are thinking hard about adding more "workers" and it is a matter of prayer (pray to the Lord of the harvest..., Jesus said in Mt 9:38). In order to raise the necessary funds, we have started the Professional Premium Use. This premium programme will enable us to do much more in the English, French and Portuguese languages, which cover 65% of the population of the African continent. There is a lot of work to be done especially in French, Portuguese and local African languages. Will you HELP?

I have other sheep ...

I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. (NIV Joh 10:16)

We all know the parable of the Good Shepherd. It is one of the most beloved stories in the Bible. Reading it makes you want to become a sheep in the Lord's flock. I then see in my imagination that picture of a shepherd with a sheep on his neck. It was lost and found and so carried by the shepherd to bring it back to the flock.

The other day I read the story of the Good Shepherd again and became intrigued about that little phrase in verse 16 which says: "I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen."

As I thought about it, I was reminded of an incident. I am a member of the church that is just in my residential neighborhood. Next to our church building, adjacent to the parking lot, for many years there was a small building. It fit 15 persons at most. Actually, none of us knew what went on in that little building. During the week I had seen people playing musical instruments with each other, but otherwise nobody really paid attention to that small building.

During a Sunday morning service, the pastor was about to preach his sermon. Just a few minutes into it, one of the elders suddenly got up and walked across the church and out the door. Everyone looks after him and pays no attention to the sermon anymore. What is going on everyone thinks. Something like this just never happens in our tightly organized church. The preacher resumes his sermon and everyone shifts their focus back to listening.

Ten minutes later, the elder comes back into the church and with him a small group of beautifully dressed men and women from Africa. The preacher falls silent. The whole church looks back.

The elder saw everybody looking at him and take word: "I just had a very restless feeling and felt an urge to go outside. Outside I saw these people standing. They wanted to go to their church service in the little building next door, but they mentioned to me there has been a fire earlier this week and now they can't get in for their service. I invited them to join us.

Turns out, for years believers from Ghana had been meeting every Sunday in that little building next door. Their gathering began half an hour after ours, so we had never seen them at the start of our church meetings. And when we finished, their service was still in full swing. We had no idea.

Two completely different faith communities were meeting every Sunday 50 meters apart, but the large church had no notion of the existence of the small church next door. Because our elder responded to the urging in his heart, we came in contact with these believers who also want to gather to listen to the Word of the Lord.

That Sunday, introductions were made and of course it was arranged that this small French-speaking faith community could use one of our halls on coming Sundays.

Apparently we can get so absorbed in our own world, our own church, our own favorite Bible translation that we no longer realize that Jesus says He has other sheep as well. He takes care of these sheep as well.

Africa, South America and numerous other countries are so far away. We have no idea what is happening there. I was reminded of this when someone wrote to me this week that the need for Bibles in Africa is 100 times greater than the whole of Europe put together. And this is not just about printed Bibles. The Online Bible app is downloaded thousands of times a week in some African countries. There is a huge need for good Bible translations and good reference books to go with the Bible.

When we started the Online Bible apps years ago, our goal was to offer 20% of the content for free, but soon the demand proved far too great and the available finances of many African users far too little. The limit shifted from 20% to 30% free and further up. We are now moving toward 80 percent free and seeing that the need is only increasing.

But so much free does present new challenges. How do we fund it? Hence, over the course of this year, we are highlighting Professional Premium Use. Professional Premium Use allows us to give not only the best to you, but also in Africa and South America, numerous Bibles and study aids in French, Spanish and Portuguese.

Have you already considered to help by becoming a Professional Premium User?

A present is waiting for you

A present is waiting for you

It is an annual tradition for me. On First Advent, I place a Christmas star in my study. I love to step into my study early in the morning, when it is still dark, and then see the Christmas star burning. This is how I live toward Christmas every day. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born in a stable and Wise Men came to worship Him: they gave Him gold, frankincense and myrrh.

After the Wise Men had departed, Joseph, Mary and the Child had to flee and remained undercover in Egypt for a time. The gold, frankincense and myrrh, three valuables will have helped them make a daily living during that time. That is the practical side of these gifts, and of course there is also a deeper meaning in them.

The gold (chrusos, χρυσός, g5557), according to the Online Bible, refers mainly to gold coins and gold ornaments. (Vine)

The frankincense (libanos λίβανος, g2030), is the symbol of prayer (Easton).

And myrrh (smurna, g4666) is a component of the oil with which priests are anointed, is also used in the care of injuries (because of its antiseptic effect) and in embalming a body (Vine)

Using the Strong's, Greek text, lexicons and dictionaries available in the Online Bible, the meaning of these gifts can be explored. Gifts are usually thought about. They should fit the one to whom you are giving them. So it is also with these gifts from the Wise Men.

The three gifts left by the Wise Men are full of references to Jesus as the Son of God, Jesus the King of kings, Jesus the true High Priest and Jesus the Savior of the world. If we put John 3 verse 16 next to it, we understand that Jesus Himself is the greatest Gift that God gives to men: that whoever believes may not perish but have eternal life.

A present is waiting for you
Christmas is the time of presents, let them be little shadows of that great Gift God has given us.

We also offer you a gift. For everyone, Vine's Greek Lexicon on New Testament Words is now available. This lexicon works like the other Strong's lexicons, but has content taken from W.E. Vine's The Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words.

For Professional PREMIUM users, we are adding another dictionary as a bonus gift, The Complete Expository Dictionary of the Old & New Testament - Professional PREMIUM Edition, also written by W.E. Vine.

This dictionary is intended to help study the meaning of biblical words. Throughout the text the most significant biblical words are illustrated by Scripture passages, comments, cross-references, ancient and modern meanings, precise etymologies, historical notes, and clearly defined technical information.

Start using these presents with the Online Bible to find out what God has given you in His Word.

Peter van der Schelde

Get more from the Amplified and New American Standard Bibles

Many Online Bible users have noticed the Amplified and NAS Bibles available in the Online Bible app. In this article I would like to show you how to get more out of these Bible versions with the Online Bible apps.
If you don't have these Bible translations yet, you can install them for free in the Online Bible apps from the store. They are under English language, in the section Bibles.

Footnote display:
Let's just start in Genesis 1 verse 1. The Amplified Bible provides a footnote here. This can be made visible by tapping the star at the top right of the bar. This star indicates whether footnotes (or inline notes) are present in a Bible translation. In the Amplified Bible you find thousands of footnotes. In the NASB95 and NASB20 there are also footnotes.

Footnotes in the Amplified Bible 2015 can be switched on and off with the * button

If the star is gray, the footnote display is off. If, on the other hand, the star is blue, the footnote display is switched-on. You can therefore decide for yourself whether you want to work with the footnote display on or off.

The footnotes in the Amplified Bible in particular give additional information and background to understand and interpret the meaning of the biblical text.

Copy Bible text:
Tapping left below the verse number will bring up a menu. Here you can choose the option to copy the Bible text, so that you can paste it into another application. You can choose from quickly copying a verse, or using the extensive copy options, where you can copy several verses at once and set many different options that affect the appearance of the text you copy. These options offer many possibilities. The app remembers the options you choose and these automatically apply next time you use the quick copy option.

Compare Scripture with Scripture:
If you choose Cross References in the menu, a popup screen will appear with numerous biblical references. You can easily browse through these refences. If you tap on a reference verse, the whole verse will appear in its context on the screen. By tapping the clock (top menu bar) you can return to Genesis 1 verse 1. The Online Bible offers biblical references to almost every verse of the Bible. In total there are more than 660,000 present (taken from the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge and other works).

The power of bookmarks, colors, highlighting and categories:
You can bookmark any verse. You can give a color to a bookmark and categorize them. By default you have two categories and two colors at your disposal, but as a Premium User you have access to many more colors and you can define your own categories. This allows you to use the bookmarks in many ways and also save passages.

Use bookmarks, colors and highlighting. Define categories, link a color to every category en use these colors to link bookmarks and highlighted text to categories.

Mark words and phrases:
Colors and categories can also be used when highlighting words and phrases. If you select a word, a popup appears with three dots (Android) or there is immediately the option "Marking" (iOS). Choosing this marking-option allows you to highlight the selected words with a color. With Premium Use more colors are available and you can also link the highlighted words to any category.

Use the bookmark library to find your saved bookmarks and highlights.

Search in dictionaries:
You can quickly look up a word in a biblical dictionary or topical concordance by simply clicking on the word. All installed dictionaries with a relevant lemma will appear in a popup. Click on the desired dictionary and it will appear.

What exactly does it say in Hebrew?
A special reference work is available for the professional user who wants to use the Amplified or NAS Bibles (or any other Bible version) in combination with the Hebrew text. This reference work is available by default for Professional Premium Users. Install the The Interlinear Analytical Commentary (can be found in the shop under the language English, group Commentaries). This commentary contains the Hebrew text word by word with Strong’s numbers. Furthermore a set of special Hebrew-English Lexicons is available for further in-depth-study. These lexicons give much more detailed information about the Hebrew text and its meanings than the standard Hebrew-English Lexicon.

Scroll synchronised through the Amplified Bible together with the The Interlinear Analytical Commentary to study the bible from Hebrew to English. You can tap on all Strong’s numbers and grammatical parsings to obtain further explanation.

The Interlinear Analytical Commentary is displayed in the lower screen and can be synchronized with the Amplified Bible and NAS Bibles. So when Genesis 1 verse 3 is pictured at the top (NAS20), then the Hebrew text is displayed word by word below, along with the Strong’s numbers, a literal English translation and all grammatical information about the Hebrew. You can tap the Strong’s number and grammatical information to obtain more information from several lexicons. One of these is the adapted and expanded Hebrew-English Lexicon based on the Brown-Driver-Briggs Lexicon. This brings all the information together to understand what the NASB20 is based on.

Tapping the Strongs number opens the Brown-Driver-Briggs Lexicon or any other lexicon you prefer.

If you want to go a step further you can obtain a special edition of the NASB20 and NASB95 with Strong’s numbers in the store.

Even if you have no knowledge of Hebrew, you can obtain quite a bit of information from this. The more you know about Hebrew, the more relevant information you can find..

This article briefly shows you which possibilities are included in the use of the Amplified Bible and NAS Bibles with the Online Bible apps. The basic possibilities are offered by default with the Online Bible. Please note that for Professional use (as described in the last part of this article) activation of the Professional Premium Use is required. This can be activated from the store (in English at the top).

Enjoy using the Online Bible apps.

Peter & Sjoerd