Search for a word in the Bible
Search for a word
To search for a word in the Bible text you need to press the Search button in the bar on top of the Bible area. On small screens this button is not visible. If the Search button is not visible in the bar of the Bible area you can press the Menu button and select the Search menu-option.
A pop-up opens. Type a word to search for. The search result continually updates while typing.
Type enter to close the keyboard and see the full search result.
Change from bible version to search in
If you want to change from Bible version you can by tapping the short name of the Bible version in the bar of the Search pop-up. Select another Bible version by tapping. The search result will open or change.
Browse through the search-result
You can browse through the search result with your finger. If you move your finger over the Bible book abbreviations you scroll quickly through the results.
Select a verse for context reading
Tap a verse in the search result to have it opened in the Bible area. If you changed Bible version in the search pop-up the Bible version in the Bible area will change as well.
If you selected the Search button but do not want to search you can remove the Search pop-up by tapping on the screen beside the Search Pop-up or by tapping the “<Search” button at top left of the bar of the Search pop-up.
Advanced Search
You can create very advanced searches with operators:
Wildcard in words:
- * prefix or postfix operator. Search for all words that begin or end with certain charaters. Example search for night* to search for all words that begin with night
- ? any character operator. Example n?ght
- * to match any single word.
Example Jerusalem * God (no result in AV)
Example Jerusalem * * God (two random words in between, 1 result in AV) - ... matches multiple words. Example Jerusalem ... God (many results in AV)
Operators between terms:
- & and operator, search for verses that contain both words or phrases
- | or operator, search for verses that contain one of the words of phrases
- ~ not operator, search for verses that do NOT contain a certain word or phrase
- @n (where n is a number) proximity and operator, search for verses where both terms are seperated by maximum n verses